What better time than the new year to start actually posting on my blog?! I hope to write more in 2020 about photography, my life, and all the thoughts I have floating around in my head. Hopefully, you will find these posts amusing, relatable, helpful, educational, and everything in between!
I have spent the last week reflecting on 2019 and thinking about what I hope for in 2020, and all I have to say is WOW. What a year 2019 was! The biggest change for me was leaving the security of my 9-5 job and pursuing my passion of photography full-time. It has been 6 months since then, and as I sit at this coffee shop running numbers and thinking back on all the opportunities I’ve been given and people I’ve met, I am speechless.
Leaving my job last summer was the biggest risk I’ve ever taken, and I wasn’t really as prepared as I wanted to be when it happened. But the Lord knew what He was doing (shocker, I know) and made it very evident that He was calling me to trust Him and take the plunge – so I did!
Let me tell you something, y’all – never in my life have I seen the Lord’s provision and faithfulness in such a tangible way as I have this past year. I am making more money than I ever have before, I’ve met so many compassionate and driven people who encourage and challenge me every day, I have more time to spend with my family and friends, and my health has improved tremendously.
The main takeaway I have from my experience in 2019, it is that God is good and He always provides. Anytime I had a slower month, or an unexpected bill would come up, I would get a random inquiry through my website or Instagram that ended up providing just what I needed. Anytime I felt insecure about my work or started questioning if I was really cut out for this business, a client would send me affirmation that they loved their photos, or someone would comment on a post complimenting my work. Anytime I felt lonely or the desire for community, a random connection with a new friend or a text from an old friend to get together would occur. I have seen the Lord provide in so many ways this year, and man has it been awesome!
For those of you reading this feeling like you haven’t seen God’s goodness or provision in 2019, I encourage you to not lose hope. My journey to this point has been a long one, and if someone were to tell me 2 years ago that I’d be where I am today, I’d say they were crazy. I have been meditating on Proverbs 3:5-6 the last 7 days, and if you are entering 2020 with a heavy heart or feeling lost, I encourage you to trust in the Lord with all your heart. We may not understand why things happen and we may find ourselves not knowing what’s next – but when we surrender and submit all to God, He will make your path straight.